The message that we would like to finish this year with is that the evolution that is offered to us from choosing to heal and reclaim our health and wellbeing is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves. This reflection of living the fullness of us is also the greatest gift we can give another – offering the inspiration that it is possible and that they can choose it too.

The more we make the choice to discard patterns, behaviours, ideals and beliefs that no longer serve us, the more our body works with us to release those held energies in our body, allowing the space for us to express and live from our true essence, which ultimately brings us much joy.

In this article we would also like to offer further support for the “Silly Season” – many of you have shared over the years being affected by it.

The choices we can make at this time of year such as over indulging with food, alcohol, late nights or emotions can all be clearly felt in our bodies. This often leads us to arriving at the end of the year feeling tired, exhausted and in regret. At this point, it is valuable to pause and ask – Is this a reflection of what we would like this festive season to be? Is this in line with the way we are and now live with ourselves and others?

Life is not linear:  we all know that how we end the year will inevitably be the quality in which we enter the new year. Every choice we make is with us until not chosen anymore.

Included below is an article we wanted to share from our fellow Nutritionist and Health practitioner Kathy Byrne offering simple, sensible and wise tips on Dealing with the “Silly Season”. You may also want to revisit our past article Christmas With Connection.

Wishing you all a joy filled festive season and end of year as we complete this current cycle and embrace the new year ahead. We look forward to sharing more with you in 2018.

As our gift to you this year we have another FREE 17 minute audio gentle yoga practise you may like to practice on your own environment over the holiday season.  In this new audio, the session starts lying on your side and finishes on your back.

If you are still looking for ideas of present for a loved one, one of our vouchers could well be the perfect gift. For further information, please visit Gift Voucher page.

Alexandra Plane and Donna Nolan offer Esoteric therapiesMassage therapiesYoga/Yoga Therapy and Meditation at their clinics in Balmain, Cammeray and Balgowlah. Contact them for enquiries or bookings.