By Alexandra Plane and Donna Nolan.

December is upon us and once again doesn’t it feel like it has come around quickly?

As we enter into the end of year festive holiday season, it is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the choices (our lifestyle choices and all others) we have made throughout the year and how all those choices have affected the quality of year we have had, where we are at and how our bodies are feeling.

One of the biggest realisations that we have had this year is the power and joy of self-appreciation, and how when we cultivate self-appreciation in our life – not so much for what we do or achieve, but rather for who we are, what we bring, our qualities, commitments and values – how this grows and opens up a flood gate of appreciation not only for ourselves but for others, all the small things in our lives and the world around us.

We personally have embarked upon a program where we have buddied up and shared via text message with each other twice daily something that we appreciate about ourselves. It can be something as simple as appreciating the quality in which we choose to walk or put ourselves to bed, to allowing more space in our day to simply be or our growing ability to refuse engaging in self-sabotaging activities or thoughts. Our daily appreciation can be anything that we truly value and appreciate about ourselves.

We have been committed and doing this daily for over a month and there has been much beauty in the unfolding nature of this program. It is very simple and offers much richness and rewards in opening up appreciation of yourself and then to others. The key was to do it consistently and daily so that self-appreciation naturally becomes your new normal.

It seems that numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits of appreciation including around brain functioning, corporate efficiency and as a health tool. What we have learnt from our little experimentation is

  1. Self-appreciation is not about being positive nor is a mental construct, rather it is a sensation that is felt in the body

  2. The importance to actually express, voice out to someone our self-appreciation

  3. There is always something to appreciate about ourselves each and every single day even on the days when we are feeling a bit down and out

  4. When we appreciate ourselves, we then automatically appreciate others and our lives more

  5. It is heart opening and it felt deeply supportive to our health and wellbeing to appreciate ourselves and others on a consistent basis

You may want to experiment with giving yourself and all in your life this gift of appreciation in December and feel the difference in how you see yourself and others. A great way to end this year and prepare you for the new cycle that lays ahead as we approach 2016.

Alexandra Plane and Donna Nolan offer Yoga, Meditation, Cancer Support sessions and Esoteric Healing at their clinic in Balmain  Northern Beaches (Balgowlah) and CammerayContact them for enquiries or bookings.

You may also like to read Donna’s blog Appreciation – A Pathway to Love