January 2019 Summer Yoga Intensive
Reconnecting to your inner-heart
2nd – 6th January 2019 | 7 – 8am | Warriewood Northern Beaches
This intensive is a self-honouring start to your New Year which offers you the gift of resetting and developing a new foundation from which you can move forward into 2019.
Over these 5 morning classes we will explore how to reconnect to the body and to your being. It is through this connection that we come to know our inner-heart, a place that resides within each one of us. It is through a deep honouring of the body that the being that resides within the body can then express outwardly from the inner-heart.
Healing our hurts
Have you ever had an injury such as a sore lower back, shoulder, digestive issue etc that has hung around for a while? You may have had conventional treatment but it just doesn’t seem to heal. The reason why often an injury will not heal long term is because we haven’t dealt with the underlying root cause of why the ill has happened in the first place. Until the root cause is addressed the condition will never truly heal.
Welcoming the Festive Season
The message that we would like to finish this year with is that the evolution that is offered to us from choosing to heal and reclaim our health and wellbeing is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves. This reflection of living the fullness of us is also the greatest gift we can give another – offering the inspiration that it is possible and that they can choose it too.
The more we make the choice to discard patterns, behaviours, ideals and beliefs that no longer serve us, the more our body works with us to release those held energies in our body, allowing the space for us to express and live from our true essence, which ultimately brings us much joy.
In this article we would also like to offer further support for the “Silly Season” – many of you have shared over the years being affected by it.
Free Yoga Audio – our gift to you
This is a free 17 minute simple yoga class which starts lying on your side and moves to finishing on your back – our gift to you.
Offer yourself the gift of reconnecting with you with this short session of gentle movements for your body.
To fully enjoy and to get the most benefit from this class, prepare how you set yourself up by lying on your side on a mat or carpeted floor, have support for underneath your head, a blanket if it is cold. Take a few minutes to connect to your body and your breath before commencing this audio.
Expression is everything
Deepening the quality of our expression is a work in progress for all of us and can sometimes even be a sensitive topic when there has been a history of “holding back”. On that basis it is important that we are gentle and allowing with ourselves as our awareness around expression increases and our commitment to express more fully deepens as we may not always get it right in addition to experiencing some stumbling blocks along the way.
Expression comes in many forms and is not restricted to what we verbally say. Rather expression encompasses how we move, how we dress, the way we relate with others, how we write, how we talk, how we drive, exercise … the list goes on.
Bodywork Therapies – addressing that we are multidimensional beings
It is becoming increasingly recognised in our society today that we are so much more than just our physical body – there is a direct connection between our physical body and our mental and emotional states of the mind. The ancient practices and Eastern philosophies and their bodywork therapies have recognised this for aeons and now modern science is slowly catching up as more and more research is proving that indeed the mind and body are intertwined.
As human beings we are multidimensional. What constitutes our make up is the physical body; the energetic body; our mental state of being; and our essence. So we need to really understand both the “human” and the “being” aspects of who we are and how we are.
Bodywork Therapies – It doesn’t have to hurt to benefit
How many of us subscribe to the philosophy of ‘no pain – no gain’ and apply it to various aspects of our lives?
Yet when we truly practice yoga, we learn to develop a relationship with our body, where we listen to what it is telling us and respond and move in a way that is deeply honouring. After all, yoga means union and how can we be in union if there is not a true respect for the body.
This means no pushing, no hardness, no pain.
With this, there is much to actually gain.
The Power of Commitment
Commitment is a movement that confirms a constant direction towards something or someone, being a job, a partner, a project, buying a house, a dog, eating healthily, doing exercise… There is so much in life that we can commit to and so much that we can choose not to commit to!
The Power Of Transparency
Transparency alludes to something being clear that enables us to see right through such as a clear window. We all know what it is like when the windscreen of the car is dirty and it becomes difficult to see outside. We may still see the road and the cars around us but there is a muddiness in the way that stops us getting a full picture.
Over the last few years we have been exploring the impact in our lives of making the conscious choice to be transparent – in our friendships, with our partners and families, with work colleagues and with strangers.
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About Alexandra Plane
As a complementary health practitioner, yoga and meditation instructor Alexandra Plane is known for her gentle nature, love for people and deep integrity. Alexandra’s love and dedication is towards bringing deep care back into people’s life and the community.